meet dr. saroya byrd-mckinney

Chaplain, Founder, Prison Reform Warrior

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Dr. Saroya Byrd McKinney is a spiritual entrepreneur, global expansion leader, and motivational speaker. She is Founder/CEO of Breaking Free where she works changing hearts and lives globally helping people reach their maximum potential mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and financially.

Dr. Byrd McKinney began her ministry as Founder and Pastor of Gospel of Peace International Inc.,a faith-based non-profit organization, where she has served for the past 15 years. She has preached and taught extensively both nationally and internationally in such places as Ghana, West Africa; London, England; Ontario, Canada, and throughout the United States.  As Staff Chaplain at Nassau County Correctional Center she teaches, trains and ministers to over 1,000 men, women and youth the reconciliation of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit utilizing individual and group counseling methods which have immensely reduced recidivism rates. Seeing the need of this community as they transition back to society, she founded GOPI HOUSE,  a re-entry and transitional housing facility which provides holistic services of healing and restoration for individuals in crisis, specifically to those who find themselves homeless, disenfranchised or returning from the criminal justice system.

Dr. Byrd McKinney is a graduate of Lehman College from the school of Health Service Administration where she received her Bachelor’s degree Magna cum Laude with departmental honors and was inducted as life member to the Golden Key National Honor Society.  She continued her secular education at New York Law School where she majored in corporate law specializing in contract negotiation with a minor in entertainment and sports management. 

She was awarded the 2009 “Pastors of Distinction” award where she received numerous certifications and citations from various local, community and political officials including Mayor Wayne Hall – Mayor of Hempstead, New York, Governor David A. Patterson – Governor of New York State and Mayor Michael Bloomberg – Mayor of New York City, along with a host of other endorsements for her work in CISM (critical incident stress management), community activism and spiritual enrichment.  She is a graduate of New Greater Bethel Bible Institute where she is a continuing student of theology pursuing her second doctoral degree in Pastoral Care Counseling and received her Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters and UN Ambassador at Large from Global Opus Dei Seminary and University and OPPFI in 2014.

The spiritual mother to many men & women of God, she believes that we receive power to be witnesses not only in the House of the Lord but throughout the world and the Kingdom of our God. Most grateful for salvation, she has experienced the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit and has a ministry of prayer, teaching and deliverance.  She is blessed to be the wife of Pastor Paul McKinney and mother of one daughter, and stands on Genesis 24:60 “…and they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, “Thou art our sister; be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gates of those which hate them.”